
Burning the Gas ‘Bridge Fuel’ Myth

Published by: Oil Change International

This analysis provides five clear reasons why fossil gas is not a “bridge fuel.” It shows that even with zero methane leakage, gas is not a climate change solution.

Burning the Gas ‘Bridge Fuel’ Myth

Oil Change International
November 2017

Download the briefing.

This analysis provides five clear reasons why fossil gas is not a “bridge fuel.” It shows that even with zero methane leakage, gas is not a climate change solution.

The idea of fossil gas as a “bridge” from coal to renewables has been strongly promoted by the industry over recent years, and echoed also by government leaders including former U.S. President Barack Obama and EU Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete.

In this briefing we show that even in the hypothetical case of zero methane leakage, fossil gas cannot be a bridge fuel. This is not to say that the methane leakage issue is unimportant or that reducing leakage is not essential. However, it is to demonstrate that methane leakage is not the sole determinant of whether fossil gas causes net harm to the climate. To meet climate goals, fossil gas production and consumption must, like that of other fossil fuels, be phased out, and reducing methane leakage does not alter that fact.

Click here to download the briefing.