A Giant Step Backward: Carbon Impact of the Line 3 Pipeline
As Minnesota decides whether to let the crude oil pipeline cross its cleanest waters, a new report finds that greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian oil company Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 expansion would vastly outweigh planned reductions in the state’s emissions.
Published by Oil Change International, MN350, Honor the Earth, Power Shift Network, Center for Biological Diversity, Greenpeace, Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, Minnesota Division of the Izaak Walton League, Minnesota Environmental Partnership, Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light, RISE Coalition, Sierra Club, 350.org
January 2020
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Canadian oil company Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 expansion would vastly outweigh planned reductions in Minnesota’s emissions, a new report finds as the state decides whether to let the crude oil pipeline cross its cleanest waters.
The report, entitled “A Giant Step Backward,” shows that by increasing the global availability of heavy tar sands oil, the high-capacity pipeline would set back plans to address climate change, wiping out Minnesota’s incremental gains in the transition away from burning fossil fuels for energy.
“A Giant Step Backward” compares annual GHG emissions by source in equivalent weight of carbon dioxide, and finds that the emissions of Line 3 would be highly significant:
- Line 3 expansion: 193 million tons CO2eq
- Minnesota’s state total in 2016: 154 million tons CO2eq
- Minnesota’s 2050 state goal: 35 million tons CO2eqThe report also highlights how expanding Line 3 would have the equivalent impact on the climate of:
- 50 new coal-fired power plants
- 38 million additional gasoline vehicles on our roadsClick here to download the full briefing.