
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

John Bolton: “Big difference” if “US oil companies invest in & produce oil in Venezuela”

What is being forgotten in the fight between Maduro and Guaido is that whoever wins, the impetus on the victor will be on maximising output from the country’s oil reserves to help alleviate the country's crippling economic problems. Because much of this is heavy oil, it is extremely carbon intensive to produce. And that can only be bad news for the climate.

Outrage Over Peru Oil Spills: “It’s a crime that has no forgiveness”

There is growing outrage over pollution of two important rivers after three oil spills in the Peruvian Amazon.

Mexico’s “Sale of the Century”

Mexico is opening up its lucrative offshore oil fields for the first time in 80 years, and in the words of the Financial Times, which devotes a whole page of the paper to the subject, “it is shaping up to be quite a feast.”

Activists Criticise “Misguided” Chevron Court Ruling

Indigenous rights groups yesterday reacted angrily yesterday to what they labelled as a “misguided judgement” by a New York District Court Judge, Lewis Kaplan, who ruled that lawyers representing Amazonian Indians had used “corrupt means” and “fraud” to win a legal case against Chevron in Ecuador.

Significant Victory Against Chevron in Ecuadorian Pollution Case

In the long and tortuous legal battle between indigenous communities in Ecuador against the oil giant Chevron, the plaintiffs scored a major victory yesterday in, of all places, Canada.

Chinese Changing Global Energy Market

Chinese companies are changing their investment strategies, with implications for the global energy market

New Amazon Oil Threat

On the same day that Peru declares a State of Emergency over oil pollution in the Amazon, the Ecuadorians offer 3 million hectares of pristine forest to the Chinese to explore for oil.