
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

As world looks the other way, climate alarm bells ring loudly in Antarctica

Whilst much of the world’s media attention is focussed on Putin’s illegal and horrendous war in Ukraine, our daily climate emergency has slipped from the headline news agenda. But what is happening in the Arctic and Antarctica is alarming scientists and activists alike.

Scientists issue new warning about the melting of Antarctica’s “riskiest” glacier

We have had great victories this year. But there is still so much more to do in order to stop fossil fuel extraction and fight for climate justice and a just transition and to stop further warming. Indeed, the warning signs continue to come. This week, scientists presented alarming news from Antarctica ...

A letter to the future from a glacier that is no more

As our climate emergency deepens, as the once great Arctic icescapes melt before our eyes, and once majestic glaciers break up and melt and disappear, we are left to put plaques in their place to lament our lost world.

415 ppm: We Are all Part of Exxon’s Unchartered Climate Experiment Now

We are all now a living experiment. Never before in human history have carbon dioxide levels reached 415 parts per million.

Trumptopia: US CO2 Emissions Rising; Oceans Dying & Glaciers Vanishing

You need to forget about Trump's wall. Its what Trump is doing to the climate that matters. It is the effect Trump is having on our oceans that counts. Its what he is doing to the majestic glaciers of the world that is important.

Yes, We are in a Fight, But We Will Win

Make no mistake. For those of us working on environmental issues, for social justice, to protect our children, our health, our water, our communities who are on the frontline of fossil fuel extraction, we are in a fight like never before.

Going, Going, Gone

How can it be that as the evidence about climate change gets stronger, politicians like Trump seem to get more ignorant?