
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Record temperatures and flooding a direct result of Big Oil having “humanity by the throat”

The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, says we “seem trapped in a world where fossil fuel producers and financiers have humanity by the throat". And Big Oil’s deadly stranglehold is having devastating consequences, from floods to heatwaves, as extreme weather grips many parts of the world.

As world looks the other way, climate alarm bells ring loudly in Antarctica

Whilst much of the world’s media attention is focussed on Putin’s illegal and horrendous war in Ukraine, our daily climate emergency has slipped from the headline news agenda. But what is happening in the Arctic and Antarctica is alarming scientists and activists alike.

Scientists issue new warning about the melting of Antarctica’s “riskiest” glacier

We have had great victories this year. But there is still so much more to do in order to stop fossil fuel extraction and fight for climate justice and a just transition and to stop further warming. Indeed, the warning signs continue to come. This week, scientists presented alarming news from Antarctica ...

Climate change: Antarctica and Arctic showing further signs of trouble

There are further warnings coming from both poles due to climate change.

Big Oil’s current climate plans “will raise sea level rise by meters”

We are in a climate emergency. The warnings from Antarctica are real. The message is simple. Big Oil is not to be trusted as driving the solution to the problem they created.

Climate Change: “mind-blowing” warnings from Arctic and Antarctica

2020 is continuing to bring deeply worrying climate news from both the Arctic and also Antarctic.

Scientists: “We’d never seen a temperature this high in Antarctica”

This is the first time ever that the 20 degrees barrier has been broken on the continent. "We'd never seen a temperature this high in Antarctica," says Brazilian scientist Carlos Schaefer.

415 ppm: We Are all Part of Exxon’s Unchartered Climate Experiment Now

We are all now a living experiment. Never before in human history have carbon dioxide levels reached 415 parts per million.

As US Undermines UN Climate Talks, Polar Regions Warm & Weep

As the US and other big polluters are accused of deliberately undermining the UN climate talks and promoting climate denial, there are further grave warnings from the Arctic and Antarctic, regarding the impact that climate change is having on our polar regions.

Are we Descending into Hothouse Earth?

"We are the ones in control right now, but once we go past 2 degrees, we see that the Earth system tips over from being a friend to a foe. We totally hand over our fate to an Earth system that starts rolling out of equilibrium."