
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Chevron hires PR company to paint Green New Deal as “racist” — while claiming to support BLM protests

For years Big Oil has repeated the dirty tactics of Big Tobacco. And once again it has been found doing so again.

More and more businesses call for a post-COVID-19 just recovery plan

More and more companies do not want to go back. They want a just transition moving forward. We have to make sure now that politicians meet rising corporate and political pressure. There can be no Big polluter bailout. Any post-COVID-19 economic recovery plan has to make central a managed transition away from fossil fuels to a cleaner, more sustainable, more just, future.

Trump’s Earth Day gift to Big Oil: We will buy your near worthless product

There is no doubt we are at a historical moment with the industry in deep structural and financial trouble and where a post-COVID-19 recovery could see a radical shift away from oil and into a just transition into renewables. But will that happen?

Stimulus Package: no Green New Deal & potential “massive payouts” for Big Oil

Later today, the Senate is set to vote on an unprecedented $2 trillion bi-partisan stimulus package that is designed to try and prop up a creaking American economy, which has been brought to a juddering halt by the Coronavirus.

The oil price in freefall once again shows the US economy is still “too reliant on oil”

What America needs is a comprehensive vision for energy security, one that goes beyond fossil fuel independence. This plan should entail sustained investment in alternative fuel sources and technologies… If the United States really wants to be energy independent, it must look toward preparing for a post-oil future.”

A Year on from the Paradise Camp Fire, a Green New Deal is “Imperative”

"Having exhausted every other option", the Green New Deal is "is the only kind of climate response that stands a chance of not going up in smoke.”

Minnesota Teenagers Table Green New Deal Bill to Transform the State’s Economy and Stop Fossil Fuel Build-Out

Minnesota's new bill, which would stop the buildout of fossil fuel infrastructure, is a critical piece of the overall Green New Deal puzzle – in order to address climate climate crisis, we must be actively winding down the fossil fuel industry by stopping its expansion and phasing out existing infrastructure with an equitable transition.

Trumptopia: US CO2 Emissions Rising; Oceans Dying & Glaciers Vanishing

You need to forget about Trump's wall. Its what Trump is doing to the climate that matters. It is the effect Trump is having on our oceans that counts. Its what he is doing to the majestic glaciers of the world that is important.

“Green New Deal” in US “must be mirrored by a Global Green Deal”

"The Green New Deal believes that radically addressing climate change is a potential path towards a more equitable economy with increased employment and widespread financial security for all."