
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

As billboards call out Big Oil for causing extreme weather, Exxon says climate targets “will fail”

If one oil company is synonymous with funding decades of climate denial, it is Exxon. For decades, the oil giant copied the deadly playbook of Big Tobacco of sowing doubt about the evidence and delaying action.

Scientists: it looks like we underestimated climate breakdown & are heading for 2 degrees of warming

As leading climate scientists watch the devastating, breakneck speed of unfolding climate disasters unfolding across the globe – from record soaring temperatures to catastrophic flooding – many are aghast at how rapidly their worst predictions are being now being played out in real-time.

“Unchartered Territory:” Scale and intensity of floods, fires, and record heat alarms scientists

Leading climate scientists are becoming increasingly alarmed at the daily extreme weather events circulating the globe – from extreme catastrophic flooding to raging wildfires, and unrelenting extreme heat domes.

Biden Admin holds huge Gulf of Mexico drilling auction as BC issues emergency due to flooding

Just days after the ending of the landmark climate talks in Glasgow, where Joe Biden promised to lead the world on climate action, the President’s administration offered the largest ever auction of Gulf of Mexico offshore drilling rights.

Devastating Hurricane Ida “made worse by climate change”

Our warming world is to blame for the sheer, power and size of storms such as Hurricane Ida, say experts.

Killer heat & killer floods, but trillions in COVID-19 relief packages continue to exacerbate climate change

We need to act now to reduce emissions to reduce killer heat and killer floods. And yet only 10 per cent of the $17 trillion spent by governments on post-COVID bailouts has been directed to cutting greenhouse gas emissions and restoring nature. 

UN expert warns of the coming “Climate Apartheid”

The warning could not be more stark. As the world warms, we face a “climate apartheid,” where the rich "escape overheating, hunger, and conflict" in an increasingly small geographical area, whilst the rest of us are “left to suffer."