
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

COVID-19 crisis accelerating “long-term decline of coal”

Even before the current COVID-19 crisis, coal was in trouble due to its high carbon content, coupled with high costs. But COVID-19 is accelerating that decline. And once coal is gone, it is not coming back.

As School Strikes Go Digital, Young South Koreans Sue Government Over Climate

Some 30 young South Koreans are suing their Government, claiming that their parliament’s “recent revision to the nation’s climate-change law doesn’t go far enough to protect their future.”

G20: Tens of Thousands Tell Shinzo Abe to #StopFundingCoal

To coincide with the G20 summit last week, thousands of activists from around the world - in Japan, Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Australia, the US - mobilized to protest against Japan’s continued financing of dirty coal.

China-Backed Coal Plant in Lamu “On Course” to Go Ahead, Despite Widespread Opposition

A senior Kenyan Diplomat is reported to have confirmed that a highly controversial coal plant will be built near Lamu, the UNESCO World Heritage Island off the northern Kenyan Coast, despite widespread international and local opposition.

Letter: 200+ Groups to G20 & Multilateral Development Banks – Stop Funding Fossils

Over 200 civil society groups released a letter calling on multilateral development banks, including the World Bank, and leaders of G20 governments to commit to phase out subsidies and public finance for fossil fuels as soon as possible.

Even after Paris, World Bank continues to fund climate chaos

A new briefing shows that about one-quarter of multilateral development banks’ energy investments between fiscal years 2014 and 2016 flowed to fossil fuel infrastructure, directly at odds with efforts to fight climate change.