
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Exposing how LNG terminals in the US are “permitted to kill”

We have known for over a decade just how damaging fracking is to our health. But the health impacts of exporting fracked gas have often been overlooked.

Canadian LNG is “not the answer” to EU’s energy crisis & will end up stranded

As the Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, departs Canada after his first official visit to the country, there are concerns that the Canadian gas industry is trying to exploit the Ukraine war to sell LNG European countries, including Germany.

American LNG is not the answer to European gas crisis

One of the leading trade associations promoting fracking in the U.S. sees Putin’s war in Ukraine as a flagrant opportunity to sell more LNG gas. And lots of it. They are calling on the U.S. to “unleash American energy’s strength and security”.

Momentum builds with stunning climate victories in Europe and USA

After what was dismissed as a disappointing COP 26 in Glasgow, in the last week we have seen significant victories in the climate fight on both sides of the Atlantic.

Protesters Demand that Oregon Gov. Brown #StopJordanCove

Yesterday, in excess of 100 people held a sit-in in the office of Governor Brown of Oregon, demanding she oppose the controversial Jordan Cove LNG plant. They sang “No LNG” and “Governor Brown, do your job”.

DOE draft study on LNG exports ignores climate, lacks credibility

The latest draft study from DOE looking at the economic impacts of LNG exports is full of author bias and lacks credibility.

Jordan Cove LNG support group throws rocks from a greenhouse

A recent critique of our GHG analysis for the proposed Jordan Cove LNG export plant is replete with baseless conjecture.

Sen. Merkley Opposes LNG Terminal as “the largest carbon polluter in Oregon”

Senator Jeff Merkley from Oregon has abandoned his support for the controversial Jordan Cove Project LNG project in Coos Bay, as it will, amongst other things "become the largest carbon polluter in Oregon."