
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

28 Years Later – Shell still trying to crush opposition

The oil giant Shell spends millions of dollars each year to anticipate the future to try and predict the unpredictable. In a corporate game of crystal-ball gazing, Shell likes to play the long game, looking decades into the future to predict upcoming geopolitical or technological trends.

The struggle continues: Please show compassion for the widows of the Ogoni 9

A Go Fund Me page has been created to help the widows of four Ogoni whose husbands were murdered by the Nigerian military back in 1995, along with the writer Ken Saro-Wiwa. The widows finally gave up their decades-long legal struggle against Shell last year and are in desperate financial straits. Please help them.

Shell AGM: Company accused of “hot air” and “causing extreme harms” on climate

Today is Shell’s AGM, where the company will try and spin to its shareholders and the wider public that it is leading the climate fight and race to net zero. But its all a climate charade. Its all a lie.

Justice! Landmark judgment against Shell opens floodgates to hold companies accountable

Last Friday, in an historic judgement, Shell’s day finally came. A Dutch court ordered that Shell’s Nigerian subsidiary pay compensation for oil spills in the Niger Delta that stretch back decades.  Do not underestimate this moment.

Dear Shell: After 25 years, are you finally willing to accept your role in the murder of Ogoni 9?

Another grim, painful milestone is reached. It is now a quarter of a century since Ken Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni 9 were murdered in Nigeria by Shell.

It’s been 25 years since the Ogoni 9 — why are governments still funding fossil fuels?

To do anything less than stopping all public money to fossil fuels dishonors the memory and sacrifices of Saro-Wiwa, the Ogoni 9, and countless others who have risked and lost their lives to defend their lands and communities.

Commemoration of Anniversary of Execution of Ogoni 9 — 25 Years

On November 10, 1995, Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other Ogoni activists — Saturday Dobee, Nordu Eawo, Daniel Gbooko, Paul Levera, Felix Nuate, Baribor Bera, Barinem Kiobel, and John Kpuine — were hanged by the Nigerian dictatorship in Port Harcourt. Their only crime? Exposing the devastating impact that Shell Petroleum Development Company’s extraction of fossil fuels from the Niger Delta had on the Ogoni land, lives, and livelihoods. 

Legal ruling in Holland against Shell “a vital step towards justice” for Ogoni

In an historic judgement yesterday, a Dutch court issued an interim ruling that it does have jurisdiction to hear the legal case bought by four widows of the Ogoni 9, who were murdered by the Nigerian military back in 1995.

Shell faces landmark legal action over human rights & climate: “It’s time to bring an end to decades of impunity”

Some twenty four years after Saro-Wiwa’s death, along with eight of his colleagues, who were illegally murdered by the Nigerian Government for their campaign against Shell, a Dutch court today heard from the widows of those hung.