
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

As billboards call out Big Oil for causing extreme weather, Exxon says climate targets “will fail”

If one oil company is synonymous with funding decades of climate denial, it is Exxon. For decades, the oil giant copied the deadly playbook of Big Tobacco of sowing doubt about the evidence and delaying action.

“Wrong side of history”: Universal condemnation of UK Gov’s North Sea expansion and CCS plans

For weeks now, climate scientists and activists have looked increasingly aghast at the unrelenting heat and floods ravaging our baking earth. The pace and scale of the daily climate disasters have alarmed them. And our daily climate breakdown shows no sign of stopping.

Oil Change International stands in solidarity with workers demanding better protection from record heat

As deadly fires continue to rage out of control, scientists have confirmed that the record temperatures experienced in Europe, China and the US are due to human-induced climate change.

Scientists: it looks like we underestimated climate breakdown & are heading for 2 degrees of warming

As leading climate scientists watch the devastating, breakneck speed of unfolding climate disasters unfolding across the globe – from record soaring temperatures to catastrophic flooding – many are aghast at how rapidly their worst predictions are being now being played out in real-time.

UN calls for urgent action as extreme heat is set to worsen

As I write, combat aircraft are being sent from the EU to Greece. Their mission is to help tackle the wildfires raging across the country, especially in the greater Athens area. The words #Heatwaves and #Climate emergency are currently trending on Twitter.

“Unchartered Territory:” Scale and intensity of floods, fires, and record heat alarms scientists

Leading climate scientists are becoming increasingly alarmed at the daily extreme weather events circulating the globe – from extreme catastrophic flooding to raging wildfires, and unrelenting extreme heat domes.

Could Oregon offer a blueprint as tens of millions of Americans experience extreme smoke and heat?

So it has come to this. A nation on its knees, struggling to breathe under extreme heat and choking smoke. For millions of Americans this morning if you go outside, you will be be hit by a wall of smoke or unrelenting heat.

As Europe suffers “heat apocalypse,” UK smashes temperature record

As I write, the UK has just experienced its hottest ever night. It has literally also just smashed the record for the hottest day ever.

Record temperatures and flooding a direct result of Big Oil having “humanity by the throat”

The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, says we “seem trapped in a world where fossil fuel producers and financiers have humanity by the throat". And Big Oil’s deadly stranglehold is having devastating consequences, from floods to heatwaves, as extreme weather grips many parts of the world.