
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Shell’s landmark Canadian CCS project “emitting more greenhouse gases than it is capturing”

A new investigation by Global Witness has examined Shell’s landmark Quest CCS project in Canada, which captures the CO2 from the company's dirty tar sands operations. According to Global Witness, the Quest plant “is in fact emitting more than it is capturing.”

Despite climate emergency, the United States, Canada, and Norway “pumping more oil than ever”

Last year the world’s leading climate scientists, the IPCC,  issued a “code red” for humanity and outlined how we had to stop oil and gas drilling if we wanted a liveable future. But still we drill. Take three countries who like to see themselves as climate leaders...

We have entered the “end game” for oil — with “permanent demand destruction”

As we have been repeatedly saying for months, we are witnessing the end of the oil age. Even once great giants are now crumbling at their core.

Fossil fuel companies getting more U.S. bailouts than any other sector

A new analysis from Bailoutwatch concludes that "fossil fuel companies participated in the government’s Paycheck Protection Program to bail out small businesses at far higher rates than companies in other key sectors".

With tar sands on “life support”, Canada prepares a multibillion bailout for oil & gas

Rather than fund a just transition, the Canadian government is “preparing a multibillion-dollar bailout package for Canada’s oil and gas sector that is expected to be unveiled early next week”.

Leading banks have poured $2.7 trillion into fossil fuels since Paris, fueling climate chaos

A new report highlights how 35 leading global banks have provided a staggering USD $2.7 trillion to fossil fuel companies since the Paris Agreement in 2015.

Tar sands supporters rally against Greta Thunberg for “creating climate emergency hoax”

In Canada, tar sands supporters in large trucks are hounding a youth climate activist, who has emboldened and inspired millions to march and strike for climate action.

“Climate Hypocrite” Justin Trudeau declares climate emergency only to build TMX pipeline

"This is like declaring war on cancer and then announcing a campaign to promote smoking."

Canadian Gov “Deliberately Withheld” Info on Spiralling Cost of Trans Mountain

"It appears as though the Canadian government deliberately withheld information about the costs of Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline because it would have shocked Canadians at the time."