
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

A day after IEA calls for no new oil & gas development, UK approves vast Rosebank oil field

Barely is the ink dry on the IEA’s report which called for no new oil and gas development, and yet today, the UK Government gave the go-ahead to the huge Rosebank oil field, which is seen as the UK’s last untapped oil field.

The Way to Eliminate Fossil Methane Is To Phase Out Production

It is clearer than ever that the climate crisis requires a rapid and managed phase-out of fossil fuel production. Reducing the wasteful practice of emitting methane into the atmosphere does not give the gas industry a pass. They need to clean up and wind down. And they need to start now.

Oil Change International submits evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee

The UK House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee have launched a inquiry into Accelerating the transition from fossil fuels and securing energy supplies, which is scrutinising the UK Government’s Energy Security Strategy and its North Sea Transition Deal (for oil and gas production in the UK’s Continental Shelf). Oil Change International submitted the following evidence for the committee.

Scientists issue new warning about the melting of Antarctica’s “riskiest” glacier

We have had great victories this year. But there is still so much more to do in order to stop fossil fuel extraction and fight for climate justice and a just transition and to stop further warming. Indeed, the warning signs continue to come. This week, scientists presented alarming news from Antarctica ...

WEO 2020: A small step when the world needs a giant leap

WEO 2020 is only a small step forward when the world needs a giant leap. Now the IEA has to finish the job and fix the WEO.

“Bold, not incremental” post-COVID-19 action on climate is urgently required from IEA

A letter from leading businesses, scientists and activists demands “bold, not incremental, action" is required from the International Energy Agency on climate change. Hopefully, Dr. Birol and the IEA are listening. For all our futures may depend on their report next month.

Quiz: Who said what? Big oil, or the IEA?

The International Energy Agency (or IEA for short) advises governments on energy policy. The trouble is, at the exact same time, some of the things the IEA says sound exactly like Big Oil talking points. Don’t take our word for it, see if you can tell them apart!

To advise on green stimulus, the IEA needs to upgrade its own climate toolbox

A toolbox isn’t very helpful if even the best tool in it only gets you halfway to the repair you need to make. As the IEA prepares a special report on economic recovery, it must close its own climate credibility gap.

Putting clean energy stimulus at the heart of IEA analysis?

People all over the world are facing unprecedented crises from COVID-19. These tragic impacts will be the deepest in the world’s most vulnerable communities, regions and countries. IEA director Dr. Fatih Birol has urged governments worldwide to place clean energy at the heart of stimulus. Here Dr. Birol is right - but making this clean energy call count with real ambition is critical if the IEA wants to shake its reputation as a shill for the fossil fuel sector.  

“Grand Coalitions” with Big Oil and Gas Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis 

The IEA is embarking on a public relations effort that bears a striking resemblance to the spin coming from the oil and gas industry itself. This post takes a closer look at the IEA’s new spin, and why it's a dangerous distraction from real solutions.