
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Despite climate emergency, the United States, Canada, and Norway “pumping more oil than ever”

Last year the world’s leading climate scientists, the IPCC,  issued a “code red” for humanity and outlined how we had to stop oil and gas drilling if we wanted a liveable future. But still we drill. Take three countries who like to see themselves as climate leaders...

Wet’suwet’en warn of new RCMP raid on their territory over gas pipeline

The New Year is meant to be a time of celebration. A time of hope and renewal. But not so for the First Nation Wet’suwet’en, who are trying to stop the disastrous Coastal Gas Link pipeline being built on their unceded land in British Columbia.

Big climate win after Teck withdraws its own massive tar sands mine application

This is what climate momentum looks like. Teck Resources has just withdrawn its C$20 billion application to build what was the largest ever tar sands mine in northern Alberta.

Canadian Gov’s EDC set to “invest” in controversial Coastal GasLink pipeline

According to the Star newspaper, a federal Canadian corporation might lend money to support the highly controversial Coastal GasLink pipeline, with a decision expected next week.

Justin: It’s time to de-escalate, de-colonize, and de-carbonize  

What is Trudeau willing to do? He has a choice. He can carry on the fossil fuel economy, and bludgeon First Nations rights in the process or he can de-escalate, de-carbonise and de-colonise.

Standing in Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en

You cannot bludgeon, beat, intimidate, and drag people in the name of prosperity and progress. You cannot use the same brutal violence akin to war, while at the same time speak soft soothing words of reconciliation or peace.

Dear Justin: You Can’t March for the Climate & Build Pipelines too

Trudeau was called a climate hypocrite back in June and he is being called a climate hypocrite now. As Greta says: listen to the science. We can’t build any more pipelines if we want a safe climate.

“Climate Hypocrite” Justin Trudeau declares climate emergency only to build TMX pipeline

"This is like declaring war on cancer and then announcing a campaign to promote smoking."

“Shameful” Trudeau Accused of Violating First Nations Rights Over Gas Pipeline

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has another crisis on his hands and once again his administration seems to be ciding with oil and gas. His political legacy is on the line once more.

Despite a new mega-mine opening, the tar sands “era is over”

For those concerned about climate justice and leaving a living legacy to our grand-children, your everyday actions are making a positive difference. Sometimes, in these destructive days of Trump, and svengali politics of Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, we just don’t say that enough.