
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Weeks before COP27, Big Oil remains in state of “deceptive” climate denial

Its that time of year again with the annual UN climate meeting, called the conference of the Parties, or COP, just a couple of weeks away. This year’s meeting, COP27, will take place from 6-18 November 2022 at the luxury resort of in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt.

Climate criminals meet in Brussels as explosive documents show Big Oil’s climate pledges are based on spin and “deception”

This morning in the luxurious Plaza Hotel in Brussels, many of the world top oil firms assembled for a conference on “Go Net Zero Energy.” But newly released internal documents reveal that Big Oil messaging on climate change and net zero are based on spin and "deception".

Climate hope: Colombia’s new President pledges to transition off fossil fuels

After his stunning electoral victory on Sunday in Colombia, Gustavo Petro, a former guerrilla and ex-Mayor of Bogota, has pledged to transition his country off fossil fuels during his time in office.

Big Oil Bonanza: U.S. and European companies responsible for nearly USD100 billion to Putin & profiteering billions more from war

No words will ever be able to describe the full horror of war. The bombs, the bullets, the trauma. The wanton destruction of life. Hopes and dreams evaporated.

BP’s Russian lobby group scrubs its website clean of controversial links and past

A key British Russian lobbying group, the board of which included executives from BP, and whose hierarchy included British Royalty, British and Russian Ambassadors and ex-British parliamentarians, has quietly erased online content about its activities and personnel over the last few weeks.

How Big Oil courted and emboldened Putin for decades

For decades Big Oil courted Putin and helped him exploit Russia’s vast reserves. Big Oil poured billions into Russia’s war chest with devastating consequences.

It’s a climate emergency: Time to “Kick Polluters Out” of COP26

Some of the world’s worst polluting companies, including BP and Shell, have been regularly lobbying the UK Government offering money to be part of next year’s UN COP26 conference.

Spoiler alert: Big oil companies are still failing on climate

Being a “leader” among laggards doesn’t cut it when we’re in a climate emergency – a crisis that the oil and gas industry has done the most to cause.

“Historic moment” as BP writes-off billions of reserves as stranded assets

This is a big moment for Big Oil. Climate reality has finally caught up with BP’s corporate dreamland that it could carry on drilling forever.

Despite Emergency, Belligerent Exxon Refuses to Act on Climate at AGM

Exxon, which has been bruised, battered and bloodied by a catastrophic collapse in the oil price, and is haemorrhaging money, wants us all to drive over a climate cliff too. It is reckless corporate behaviour, which the executives must know will cost lives.