
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Civil Society calls on COP leaders to include unequivical fossil fuel phase-out in final declaration

We are in the business end of the COP27 negotiations, as delegates haggle over the final declaration. As I write the news from Sharm el-Sheikh regarding the all important text is deeply concerning and comprehensively flawed.

Climate emergency: Last seven years were the seven warmest on record by a “clear margin”

Once again the scientific evidence of our climate emergency has been made totally and utterly clear.

Countries need to phase out fossil fuels. Here’s how to do it fairly.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up the global energy economy. Wealthy countries have scrambled to support their own fossil fuel industries. Meanwhile, poor countries are reeling. So what would a sustainable and just energy transition look like?

We Must Breathe Again

A poem by Nnimmo Bassey.

Oil Change statement of solidarity with uprisings against police violence and anti-Black racism

We stand with the people rising up in Minneapolis, across the United States, and around the world in demanding justice and fundamental change in the way our society, our governments, and our institutions operate. Black Lives Matter.

Resisting White Supremacy & Fighting for Justice

We stand with the students and community of Charlottesville as they stand up to fascism and fight white supremacy. Today and every day, we are committed to fighting for a more just and equitable world for all.