Solidarity With Tiwi Island Communities
Our Movement Stands In Solidarity With Tiwi Islanders And Environmental Defenders: We Denounce Attacks By The Australian And Senator Susan McDonald
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.
Our Movement Stands In Solidarity With Tiwi Islanders And Environmental Defenders: We Denounce Attacks By The Australian And Senator Susan McDonald
Tokyo is hosting the “Japan Energy Summit” this week, from June 3-5th. Even in the hyperbolic world of high-level meetings, this summit has lofty ambitions. It promises to accelerate “Japan’s energy transition through innovation and global connections.”
Japan is continuing to drive the expansion of fossil fuels across Asia and is derailing the transition to renewable energy. This harms communities and ecosystems, undermines energy security, and worsens the climate crisis. The facts speak for themselves.
COP28’s historic agreement sent a long overdue signal on the end of the fossil fuel era, but glaring loopholes in the agreement could be exploited as Japan hosts the ASEAN summit and Asia Zero Emissions Community Summit.
Imagine, for a moment, that you are a prominent environmental defender sentenced to five years in prison on false tax charges by a country that is increasingly trying to silence activists and academics.
The wealthiest countries need to have phased out their production by 2034 at the latest, or by 2031 for a higher chance to stay below 1.5°C of warming. The report is also clear that immediate action is needed: their production must go down by 74% by 2030.