
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

APEC summit: “Don’t trade away our future,” says civil society, demanding urgent action on climate

Starting this Saturday, the US will host the Asia Pacific Economic Forum (APEC) Leaders’ Week in San Francisco, entitled “Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All.” 

Environmental racism exacerbated by fossil fuel offsetting schemes

As the geo-political fallout from the Ukraine war continues, the U.S gas industry is exploiting the crisis to increase LNG exports to Europe.

Another “watershed moment” as UK’s top court rules Nigerians can sue Shell too

The UK Supreme Court has ruled that two Nigerian communities – of more than 50,000 people - can bring their legal claims for clean-up and compensation against Royal Dutch Shell and its Nigerian subsidiary in the English courts.

Investigation reveals Big Oil funds the police across the United States

Divesting from fossil fuels and ending environmental racism goes hand-in-hand with defunding the police in the fight for racial justice and reinvestment in Black and Brown communities.

Outrage after “Cancer Alley” activists face terrorism charges for anti-plastics stunt

“We will not stand by as law enforcement and a toxic chemical company from Taiwan attempt to scare, silence, and intimidate us. We will not be silent.”

Chevron hires PR company to paint Green New Deal as “racist” — while claiming to support BLM protests

For years Big Oil has repeated the dirty tactics of Big Tobacco. And once again it has been found doing so again.

Oil Change statement of solidarity with uprisings against police violence and anti-Black racism

We stand with the people rising up in Minneapolis, across the United States, and around the world in demanding justice and fundamental change in the way our society, our governments, and our institutions operate. Black Lives Matter.

Reporting from Raleigh: Breaking the Gas ‘Bridge Fuel’ Myth

Clearly, gas is not a 'bridge fuel' to renewable energy, nor a viable climate solution for North Carolina – it's a fast track to climate disaster.