Arctic drilling ban reveals crucial difference between Obama and Trudeau on climate
The Obama and Trudeau announcement of an oil/gas development ban in Arctic/Atlantic waters was huge, but how each country explained it reveals a major rift.
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.
The Obama and Trudeau announcement of an oil/gas development ban in Arctic/Atlantic waters was huge, but how each country explained it reveals a major rift.
BP was responsible for Deepwater Horizon, a disaster that killed 11 people and caused one of worst oil spills ever – and then they made us foot the bill.
The White House just released an important document today: the final version of guidance for considering climate impacts within the NEPA process. While this document is merely guidance and “not a rule or regulation,” the updated version marks some important shifts in aligning our energy policy with our climate goals.
We must assume success in achieving our climate safety objectives, and work from that assumption when assessing proposed fossil fuel projects. We must apply the climate test.
Paying lip service to climate science and then running full speed ahead down the fossil fuel pathway to climate chaos is just another form of climate denial. We need our leaders to wake up and make some hard choices, commensurate with the difficult climate reality we face.
Instead of confronting the climate crisis head on, President Obama and others promoting "All of the Above" have decided to include oil, gas, and coal development alongside solar and wind energy. Read more about the biggest offenses.
It’s time to call it like it is: anyone who pushes an “All of the Above” energy strategy that would dig up more than a third of our current fossil fuel reserves is simply in denial about the realities of climate change.