
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

British Parliament urges Government to set a “clear date” to end North Sea drilling

An influential committee of British MPs is calling on the British government to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels and set a “clear date” for the end of new oil and gas licensing in the British North Sea.

Climate momentum: Electric vehicle sales in U.S. reach “tipping point”

Hundres of thousands of Americans, concerned about climate change and increasingly shocked at how much they are paying at the pump for their gas, are voting with their feet and ditching their gas-guzzling vehicles and going electric.

As US and UK move to wean themselves off Putin’s gas, it’s time to invest in renewables 

The solution to both the US and UK decisions to stop importing Russian oil and gas is not to drill for more oil, either in the US or UK - something the fossil fuel industry and its supporters are already arguing. It is to invest in renewables and alternatives such as heat pumps and weatherization.

The fossil fuel industry continues to block progress on climate, but there are signs of hope

Increased recognition from governments, institutions, and even parts of the financial sector of the role of fossil fuels in climate change represents a sea change from where we were even just a few years ago. The importance of phasing out oil and gas are now featured in climate policy discussions across all sectors.

“Fossil fuels have lost. The rest of the world just doesn’t know it yet”

“Fossil fuels have lost,” argues Eddie O’Connor, chief executive of Irelands’s Mainstream Renewable Power company, before adding: “The rest of the world just doesn’t know it yet.”

A dangerous calculus

Solar Could be World’s Main Power Source by 2050

How about some good news for a change? The end of the dominance of the oil age could be sooner than you think.