
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Protect The Deltas: New website and campaign launch

Oil companies are threatening three iconic and critically important African deltas: the Niger Delta in Nigeria, Saloum in Senegal, and Okavango in Botswana. We’re launching a new website to support the ongoing fights to protect the deltas.

Exposing how LNG terminals in the US are “permitted to kill”

We have known for over a decade just how damaging fracking is to our health. But the health impacts of exporting fracked gas have often been overlooked.

UK poll: 59% believe it’s “unacceptable for politicians to take donations from fossil fuel companies”

A majority of UK residents believe it's unacceptable for politicians to receive donations from fossil fuel companies, according to a recent poll.

Biden and Manchin are wrong about the Mountain Valley Pipeline and Energy Security

The Biden administration's claims that the Mountain Valley Pipeline would help Europe or benefit national security — in Europe, in the United States, or anywhere else — are wildly unfounded.

US gas exporters bemoan European climate goals deterring new LNG contracts

There are many winners and losers in war, but one of the biggest winners has been the U.S. LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) industry.

Activists at COP27 remember the Ogoni 9 and warn against African gas expansion

Today marks the twenty seventh anniversary of the murder of Ken Saro-Wiwa and the other members of the Ogoni 9. They were murdered in 1995 by the Nigerian junta for their peaceful campaign to highlight the ecological destruction and environmental racism of Shell’s operations in Nigeria.

Civil society condemns Japanese Government’s “GX Strategy” for being “soaked in fossil fuels”

To coincide with the "GX Week" in Japan, a network of civil society groups from across the region and Global South have come together to call for Japan to stop financing false solutions and delaying the just transition to clean energy.

Scientists warn that natural gas “cannot be a solution towards a zero-emission future.”

A new academic paper outlines why gas is not a so-called bridge fuel to a zero emission future. The scientists conclude that “a fossil fuel with a high climate impact, often hidden under a misleading narrative, which hinders decarbonization via infrastructure expansion, and so creates carbon lock-in effects and bears high economic risk, cannot be a solution towards a zero-emission future.”

Response to Ukraine crisis is not more oil and gas drilling, but investing in renewables

As I write the dire threat of war once again hangs over Europe after the Russian President, Vladimir Putin,  recognised the self-proclaimed republics in Luhansk and Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine and ordered his troops over the border.

Big Oil & API spending millions on Facebook & Instagram to misleadingly spin “gas is green”

A great joint investigation by Channel 4 news in the UK and InfluenceMap has found that oil industry lobbyists are using social media such as Facebook and Instagram to promote the continued use of gas and the myth that gas is a green fuel.