
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

As devastating floods replace record heat, U.S. insurers reduce cover over climate risks

After the heat comes the floods. A northern hemisphere summer, which has upended climate models and redefined extreme weather on land and seas, continues to set nearly daily records.

Impeached twice, Trump leaves horrendous lasting environmental legacy

From a climate perspective, Trump’s presidency was a disaster. The world burned on Trump’s watch

Crisis, what climate crisis? Oil majors still sitting on tens of billions of barrels of undeveloped reserves

Despite the warnings for years that we cannot burn new reserves of oil if we want a liveable climate, the West's top nine oil majors alone are sitting on more than 28 billion barrels of oil equivalent of undeveloped resources. Much of this could end up going from being an asset to a liability, just as many predicted.

Hurricane Eta batters Nicaragua with “life threatening” storm surge and winds

As the world’s attention is focussed on the outcome of the US election, a disaster is unfolding live further south. As I write, Hurricane Eta is battering the coast of Nicaragua, with experts warning it could lead to catastrophic winds, flooding and loss of life.

California fires: A “Tipping Point” for residents but what about politicians & oil industry?

The Californian fires are a “tipping point” for many residents as they realize that life will never be the same. They must also be the tipping point for clear concise action by politicians to force the oil industry to begin ramping down their operations now. There can be no more excuses.

Deeply destructive & catastrophic Hurricane Dorian reflects our “climate emergency”

How much trouble do we need to be in, before we admit we are in trouble?

As Hurricane Maria hits region, the Antigua & Barbuda Prime Minister says: “We are the victims of climate change”

There is rising anger in the Caribbean about hurricanes and climate change