
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Scientists warn that natural gas “cannot be a solution towards a zero-emission future.”

A new academic paper outlines why gas is not a so-called bridge fuel to a zero emission future. The scientists conclude that “a fossil fuel with a high climate impact, often hidden under a misleading narrative, which hinders decarbonization via infrastructure expansion, and so creates carbon lock-in effects and bears high economic risk, cannot be a solution towards a zero-emission future.”

UK firm Ineos invests in Texas shale — as US companies slash production

Whereas the oil majors are pulling back their shale operations, others though are looking to expand in US shale.

Due to lack of oversight, methane emissions “could actually increase during pandemic”

A day after meeting big oil bosses at the White House last Friday, Donald Trump was at his usual chest-thumbing best defending an industry he loves: “I am a big believer in our great energy business, and we’re going to take care of our energy business,” he said at a press conference.

Stimulus Package: no Green New Deal & potential “massive payouts” for Big Oil

Later today, the Senate is set to vote on an unprecedented $2 trillion bi-partisan stimulus package that is designed to try and prop up a creaking American economy, which has been brought to a juddering halt by the Coronavirus.

BP Accused of “Side-stepping” Russian Sanctions

A new expose published today reveals how BP, working closely with the British government, has been “side-stepping” sanctions introduced after the Russian annexation of Crimea.

Rick Perry Tells Africa to Drill, Frack and Dig Coal

Rick Perry tells an African Oil Conference: "it’s in fossil fuels that you will see real growth"

In the Age of Stranded Assets, Who Pays to Clean Up the Mess?

Who will clean up the mess if oil companies go bust as the whole fossil fuel industry goes from a downcycle into a potential “death spiral”?

US Fracked Gas Hits the UK: But At What Cost?

Soon British consumers will be cooking and heating their homes with American fracked gas for the first time.

Former EPA Staffers Hit Back at “Severe”, “Unprecedented” and “Orwellian” Cuts

“The Trump Administration claims that it supports clean air and water, but its proposed FY 2018 Budget tells another story.”

Support the Water Protectors by Asking Banks to #DefundDAPL

As people head home for the Christmas vacation to be with their loved ones, spare a thought for the one thousand or so water protectors that are braving bitterly freezing cold temperatures and blizzards in North Dakota to continue what has become the iconic protest of 2016 against the Dakota Access Pipeline.