
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

COP27: Civil Society says “Don’t Gas Africa” and calls for an end of colonial fossil fuel extraction

At a series of events today at the COP27 climate talks, speaker after speaker warned against the Dash for Gas in Africa. One speaker, Mohamed Adow, from PowerShiftAfrica, said: “Africa sits at a crossroads & there is a fight to decide its energy & development future playing out at #COP27. A cabal of fossil fuel companies supported by foreign nations are trying to push Africa into a fossil fuel led development future. We say to them Don’t Gas Africa.”

Activists at COP27 remember the Ogoni 9 and warn against African gas expansion

Today marks the twenty seventh anniversary of the murder of Ken Saro-Wiwa and the other members of the Ogoni 9. They were murdered in 1995 by the Nigerian junta for their peaceful campaign to highlight the ecological destruction and environmental racism of Shell’s operations in Nigeria.

Weeks before COP27, Big Oil remains in state of “deceptive” climate denial

Its that time of year again with the annual UN climate meeting, called the conference of the Parties, or COP, just a couple of weeks away. This year’s meeting, COP27, will take place from 6-18 November 2022 at the luxury resort of in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt.

Pressure grows on World Bank boss to quit over funding of climate chaos

Last week, civil society advocates from across the world convened outside the Washington DC headquarters of the World Bank to protest the Bank’s highly controversial financing of deadly fossil fuel projects.

British Cycling faces huge backlash over Shell “sportswashing” sponsorship

On Monday, British Cycling, the UK’s national body promoting cycling, which has helped the country produce a string of elite Olympian athletes, announced that it had signed a “long-term partnership” with oil giant Shell.

Climate activists challenge ideological British Government “hooked on hydrocarbons”

Yesterday marked the end of the Conservative’s Annual conference, held in the city of Birmingham. The tradition for any political conference is that the party leader gives a speech at the end of the conference.

A big welcome to our new Program Directors and Development Director!

This past year has been a big one at Oil Change International. Our work continues to grow and we’ve spent part of this year making sure we have a world-class staff doing everything possible to bring about the just and equitable world free from fossil fuels we all know is necessary.

Hurricane Ian: Experts believe climate change added $10 billion worth of damage

Although the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season is far from over, it is already leaving a lethal legacy. Six days on from Hurricane Ian landing in Florida, the full extent of the deadly damage wrought by the monster storm is becoming more apparent by the day.

Civil society condemns Japanese Government’s “GX Strategy” for being “soaked in fossil fuels”

To coincide with the "GX Week" in Japan, a network of civil society groups from across the region and Global South have come together to call for Japan to stop financing false solutions and delaying the just transition to clean energy.