
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

California administration’s opposition to drilling offshore should extend onshore too

As we approach the Global Climate Action Summit, hosted by Governor Brown later this year, the governor himself has an opportunity to show true leadership and announce new steps to limit fossil fuel extraction across the state. After all, the case for a managed phase out of fossil fuel production in California has now been clearly laid out by his own team.

Climate Leader or Coal Champion? Time for Germany to Decide

A new Oil Change International report shows that, if Germany is truly committed to being a leader in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement, it must lead the way with a rapid phaseout of fossil fuel production and finance.

100% Renewable Energy Bill – A first foot forward

Today, Sens. Merkley (D-OR) and Sanders (I-VT) launched a bill that takes a huge step toward aligning government policy with what climate science tells us is necessary – a transition to a 100% carbon-free economy, as soon as possible.

Oil Subsidies Propping Up Profits & Polluting the Climate

Guess who’s responsible for about half of all the oil that will be produced in the United States? You! That's according to a new study, which shows that 45 percent of US oil production depends on government handouts to make it profitable. Yes, your money is sponsoring pollution and lining the pockets of oil companies.

Introducing the Climate Test

We must assume success in achieving our climate safety objectives, and work from that assumption when assessing proposed fossil fuel projects. We must apply the climate test.

Mixed messages: President Obama’s climate trip

On Monday, President Obama and Secretary Kerry are going to Alaska. Their main goal (as we talked about here) is to see the front lines of climate change first hand. Yet at the same time, in the same region, Royal Dutch Shell is now powering ahead with its newly approved summer 2015 drilling season.

Forecasts of convenience: why is the fossil fuel industry mapping our energy future?

Would you take it seriously if tobacco companies announced that smoking trends weren’t expected to change much over the next 30 years? And imagine then, that this is what governments used to make tobacco policy: “Forecasts show that people aren’t going to quit smoking, steady rates of smoking around the world are inevitable, so all anti-smoking policies will assume not much is going to change.”