
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

“Tell me Donald. Exactly how much is a human life being sold for?”

Two years into his Presidency, the fullblown cost of Donald Trump’s assault on human health, the environment and on science is becoming brutally and painfully clear.

The U.S. Oil and Gas Industry Is Drilling Us Towards Climate Disaster

A new study released today by Oil Change International and 17 partner organizations makes it clear that managing a rapid and equitable decline of U.S. fossil fuel production must be a core component of any comprehensive climate policy.

“Shameful” Trudeau Accused of Violating First Nations Rights Over Gas Pipeline

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has another crisis on his hands and once again his administration seems to be ciding with oil and gas. His political legacy is on the line once more.

“Illusory Picture” for the UK Shale Industry in 2019

The prospects for the shale industry are looking increasingly bleak this year as it haemorrhages investor cash, continues to experience widespread community resistance, especially in Europe, and fails to find adequate gas reserves.

How UK Gov. Is Spinning Pro-Shale Science in the Media

As the UK’s fledgling shale industry lurches from crisis after crisis concerning public acceptability and causing repeated small earthquakes, the UK Government last month appointed what it termed an independent “Shale Gas Commissioner” whose job it is to listen to the concerns of local residents

US Shale Companies Facing “Catastrophic Failure” over Ballooning Debt

As the fledgling UK fracking industry bleeds investors’ money in alarming quantities on a daily basis, plagued by ongoing issues of democratic accountability, seismic activity, financial viability and on-going legal challenges, it will find no comfort from looking across the pond.

Day by Day, UK Shale Industry & Tories Are Losing the Battle to Promote Fracking

In their belligerent and blinkered attempt to replicate the US shale boom in the UK, the fracking industry and Conservative Government cannot bury three immovable and inconvenient truths that treaten to kill off the industry, even before it has been shown to be commercially viable.

Britain’s Ministry of Silly Walks Jumps Off a Climate Cliff

Yet again the Ministers and civil servants in charge of Britain’s climate and energy policy have shown their abject failure to show any concept of climate leadership or even joined up thinking.

Fracking “Could Cause Earthquakes On Up To Half Of Land Licensed In UK”

The exploitation of shale gas on half of the land licensed by the UK Government for fracking operations could trigger earthquakes, according to a leading seismologist and former energy advisor to the Tory Government.

Pressure on US Bank Mounts with Actions at Shareholder Meeting in Albuquerque

This month we took escalated our campaign and took the fight directly to US Bank’s Annual Shareholder Meeting in Albuquerque, where representatives from pipeline resistance groups from across the nation told their stories directly to US Bank executives.