
Oil Change International publishes upwards of 20 reports and briefings every year focused on supporting the movement for a just phase-out of fossil fuels.

Asia Gas Factsheet #1: The Climate Case Against Gas Expansion

This impending buildout of new gas infrastructure poses one of the greatest threats to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. Instead of forming a bridge — as gas proponents claim — gas expansion builds a wall against the clean energy future we need.

Shifting G7 Fossil Fuel Finance to Clean Energy

At this year's G7 meeting countries are discussing how to "build back better" towards a "greener, more prosperous future." This factsheet explains the current state of G7 finance for fossil fuels and why it needs to shift to clean energy.

Fact Sheet: Despite Paris Agreement, Governments Still Fund Billions in Fossil Fuel Finance Each Year

Instead of funding clean energy solutions, G20 governments and multilateral development banks still overwhelmingly fund the problem, averaging nearly $72 billion per year in public finance for fossil fuels compared to less than $19 billion per year for renewable energy.

Dirty Distraction: The Energy and Natural Resources Act of 2017 (S.1460)

The Energy and Natural Resources Act of 2017 (S.1460) would pave the way for fossil fuel expansion, locking in decades of dirty energy and undermining the necessary clean energy transition.

Fact Sheet: Fossil Free Finance at The World Bank

If the world is going to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change, international financial institutions—including the World Bank—must do their part. The World Bank has made commitments to fight against climate change but continues to finance fossil fuel exploration, production, and combustion—the primary drivers of climate change.

Factsheet: The Dirty Energy Money Cycle

This factsheet shines a light on the millions in campaign contributions made to our elected officials over the past 10 years and the billions in fossil fuel subsidies the industry gets in return.

OIL TAX FACTS: Dispelling North Sea Oil Myths

Dispelling myths about North Sea oil taxes, jobs, profits and climate.

Keystone XL Does Not Enhance U.S. Energy Security

Keystone XL is a proposed 1,700 mile crude oil pipeline that is designed to bring tar sands derived crude oil from Alberta, Canada to Texas. Its proponents claim that Keystone XL and the Canadian crude oil it will deliver will enhance U.S. energy security. This fact sheet explains why this claim is false.

Fact Sheet: Ending Oil Subsidies in the US

As the U.S. Congress debates several measures to remove oil industry subsidies, we have published a new factsheet that overviews some of the key issues in the subsidy debate.