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Keystone Could Add a “Billion-Tons” of CO2

As the row over the Keystone XL pipeline continues, the US is sending mixed messages over the dirty tar sands. Speaking to the Gas and Oil Expo and Conference, David Jacobson, the U.S. Ambassador to Canada, waxed lyrical about Canada,...

Deadline Day for Comments on Keystone

Today is the final day for public comment to the US Department of State over the draft Environmental Impact Statement for the highly controversial Keystone XL. Seen as a litmus test for the Obama administration’s policies on climate change, Keystone...

Empty threats should not be made at ‘friends’

Alberta’s minister of energy Ron Liepert was in New York this week and took the opportunity to threaten the State Department over the slow pace (as he sees it) of the approval process for the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline...

Oil and Investor Risk

Private international oil companies have limited opportunities for growing their oil production. They have been forced to go to the extremes to pursue oil wherever they can get it.

Canadian Pipedream

Why Canadian oil does not make America secure Political turmoil in the Middle East once again exposes America’s dependence on oil and its vulnerability to global price spikes. On Capitol Hill, Big Oil’s political lackeys are stepping up their campaign...

Here we go again! Blah baby Blah

As oil prices surge in response to the appalling violence in Libya, the House Natural Resources Committee offered their usual worn out suggestions for addressing America’s vulnerability to oil price shocks; more domestic drilling. Clearly energy only means one thing...

Posting the Wrong Message on the Tar Sands

When Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper met Barack Obama at the end of last week he asked the American president to support a highly controversial $7-billion pipeline that could double the amount of dirty tar sands that could be exported...

Canada’s Secret “Sensitivities” over Tar Sands

Six years ago, in preparation for George Bush’s visit to the US, leaked Diplomatic cables by Wikileaks show that the ecological cost of the dirty sands was not seen as a diplomatic issue of contention. A message to President Bush...