Press Release

Global Coalition Celebrates Historic Action Ahead of Climate Ambition Summit

In an unprecedented display of unity, a diverse global coalition of activists, impacted peoples, lawmakers, celebrities, and concerned communities came together from September 15-17 to demand an end to fossil fuels. This historic event, endorsed by over 3,800 organizations around the globe and joined by prominent actors, activists, and climate leaders, marks a pivotal moment in the global effort to combat climate change.

People organized over 650+ actions in 60+ countries, and on all seven continents and the North Pole.
In New York City, 75,000 people marched to demand President Biden #EndFossilFuels
Just 5 Global North countries – the United States, Canada, Australia, Norway, and the United Kingdom – are responsible for
over half of carbon dioxide pollution threatened by new oil and gas extraction between 2023 and 2050.
With COP 28 and the Climate Ambition Summit approaching, there is powerful momentum to move away from fossil fuels.

New York, New York. September 17th, 2023 – In an unprecedented display of unity, a diverse global coalition of activists, impacted peoples, lawmakers, celebrities, and concerned communities came together from September 15-17 to demand an end to fossil fuels. This historic event, endorsed by over 3,800 organizations [1] around the globe and joined by prominent actors, activists, and climate leaders, marks a pivotal moment in the global effort to combat climate change [2]. Over 650+ events took place in 60+ countries on all 7 continents and the North Pole. The marches, rallies, and actions took place days ahead of the United Nations Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit to demand urgent action to end fossil fuels.

The events come in the wake of the recently released “Planet Wreckers” report, which exposed that just 5 Global North countries — the United States, Canada, Australia, Norway, and the United Kingdom — are responsible for 51% of carbon dioxide pollution threatened by new oil and gas extraction between 2023 and 2050 [3]. If these 5 Planet Wreckers were to heed the United Nations Secretary General’s call to halt new oil and gas, we could prevent a staggering 100 billion tonnes of carbon pollution from entering our atmosphere, equivalent to the lifetime emissions of over 620 new coal plants. These countries have the greatest financial means and responsibility to lead a fast and fair global phaseout of production. Instead, they are leading in jeopardizing the global 1.5ºC goal.

At the top of this group of Planet Wreckers is the United States, which accounts for over one-third of the planned global oil and gas expansion through 2050. The U.S. is, by far, the world’s largest oil and gas producer and largest historical climate polluter. But it doesn’t end there: based on Oil Change International’s latest fossil finance violations tracker, the U.S. also provides the most international fossil fuel financing among countries committed to end this support. While the majority of countries that promised to stop funding fossils abroad by the end of 2022 have kept their word and not financed new fossil fuels since the deadline elapsed, the U.S. has approved a total of $1.5 billion for four projects so far this year. 

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), this year’s host of crucial United Nations negotiations, is also set to be one of the largest expanders of oil and gas production, despite pledging to use its COP presidency to “keep 1.5ºC alive”.

The March to End Fossil Fuels demands President Joe Biden stop all federal approvals for new fossil fuel projects, phase out production of fossil fuels on federal public lands, declare a climate emergency, and build a new clean energy future.

Allie Rosenbluth, United States Program Manager at Oil Change International, said:
“Today we marched as a united front, driven by unprecedented heat, alarming droughts, extreme floods, and consequent loss of livelihoods, homes, and people. Those responsible for the destruction have names. The culprits are fossil fuel companies and their government allies, who choose to expand extraction and continue to profit at our expense. President Biden decided not to attend the Climate Ambition Summit next week — and no wonder, since showing up would mean exposing his inadequate climate policies and relentless support for fossil fuels on the global stage. The United States is planning the world’s largest expansion of oil and gas extraction, accounting for one-third of pollution from new fossil fuels. Biden should be worried about this climate hypocrisy. We showed up today and we will show up tomorrow and every day after until we have a just transition to a clean energy future on a thriving planet.”

Romain IOUALALEN, Global Diplomacy Manager at Oil Change International, said:
“The global call to put an end to the fossil fuel era must be heard by world leaders meeting in New York for the Climate Ambition Summit next week. We’ve had enough false promises, greenwashing, and half measures. Countries must deliver by coming to the Summit with clear plans to immediately end oil and gas expansion and policies for a fast and fair phase out of all fossil fuels. The five rich countries that account for the majority of planned oil and gas expansion, the United States, Canada, Australia, Norway, and the United Kingdom, should not be allowed to attend unless they have real plans in hand. This unprecedented global movement has the power and momentum of people demanding a safe and clean future. What our leaders announce at the Summit will show if they are ready to listen to their people or if they prefer to remain the captains of a sinking ship.”

Notes to the editor:

[1] See all organizations endorsing the March to End Fossil Fuels in New York, endorsing the Global Fight Against Fossil Fuels, and endorsing Fridays for Future events in Germany. Please note that there are likely many actions and marches not registered at time of publication!
[2] Notable leaders here
[3] Report: Planet Wreckers: How 20 Countries’ Oil and Gas Extraction Plans Risk Locking in Climate Chaos
[4] For more information on the Global Fight Against Fossil Fuels, visit this website
[5] For more information about the March to End Fossil Fuels, visit this website
[6] Photos of global marches, photos of New York march