Data Driven, People Powered.

At Oil Change International we work to expose the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitate a just transition to clean energy. Join us.

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Solidarity With Tiwi Island Communities

Our Movement Stands In Solidarity With Tiwi Islanders And Environmental Defenders: We Denounce Attacks By The Australian And Senator Susan McDonald

COP29 Dispatch: A $300 Billion Smokescreen

COP29 concluded this past weekend with a deeply flawed agreement on climate finance that plans for fossil fuel phaseout failure and has been carefully crafted by rich countries to dodge their responsibilities to pay the climate debt they owe to the Global South.

People gathered outside Minneapolis City Hall to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Biden’s Final Climate Test: Time for Bold Action on Fossil Fuels

What we need to see from the Biden Administration before Trump takes office.

Black text saying

Canada’s NDC fails to meet its fair share of the 1.5°C survival limit

“Canada's NDC fails to meet its fair share of the 1.5°C survival limit and contradicts the global commitment to transition away from fossil fuels made at COP28."

Democracy Under Attack: The Fight for a Just and Livable Future

The first days of Donald Trump's presidency reveal a calculated strategy by Trump and his billionaire backers to consolidate power and dismantle the democratic systems that protect us. These attacks threaten every aspect of life we fight for – from clean air and water to civil rights and human dignity. And through collective action we can and must resist them.

Black text saying

UK and New Zealand announce new international climate targets

"At a time when other historical polluters are retreating from their climate responsibilities to the benefit of the fossil fuel industry, it is positive to see the UK signal promising plans to end oil and gas licensing in the North Sea."

Shifting And Unlocking Trillions For A Just Energy Transition At COP29

Last year at COP28, governments committed to transition away from fossil fuels. The next key step to make good on this landmark energy agreement is rich countries agreeing to a new climate finance goal of at least $1 trillion annually to make this possible. This will allow countries to deliver national climate plans (NDCs) due in 2025 that phase out fossil fuels.

Empty Promises: Oil & Gas Decarbonization Charter masks massive fossil fuel expansion in 2024

Big oil and gas companies’ voluntary “Decarbonization Charter,” launched at COP28, is a dangerous distraction from the urgent need to rapidly phase out fossil fuels. New data shows Charter members have approved massive oil and gas expansion plans since signing on.

We Can Pay For It

There is no shortage of public money available for rich countries to pay their fair share on fair terms for climate action at home and abroad. They can mobilize over USD 5.3 trillion per year for the new climate finance target at COP29, international development needs, ensuring fair fossil fuel phase out in their NDCs, and other public goods.

Featured Publication

Funding Failure: Carbon Capture and Fossil Hydrogen Subsidies Exposed

Our new briefing reveals how governments in North America and Europe are preparing to waste hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars on these ineffective technologies, further benefiting the fossil fuel industry, despite their record profits.
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All publications

What we do

At Oil Change International, we create the conditions necessary for a just and equitable fossil-free world through our work to support movements, stop fossil fuel projects, and hold governments and institutions accountable for rapidly phasing out oil, gas, and coal.
What we do

Transform the institutional landscape to enable just phase-out policies

We work to advance and expand government policies to end fossil fuel production while also shifting public finance and subsidies away from fossil fuels and into a just energy transition.

What we do

Challenge the fossil fuel industry and its enablers

The fossil fuel industry thrives on misinformation — we work to combat that misinformation, strengthen the case against false solutions, and support movement and partner coordination pushing back against oil and gas companies.

What we do

Support frontline campaigns to stop fossil fuel projects

The fight for a just transition relies on strong partnerships, networks, and geographically rooted work challenging fossil fuels projects. We work to support the goals of frontline partners and help stop fossil fuel projects from being built.

Data Deep Dive

The Fossil Math

Fossil fuel companies have already greenlit enough fossil fuel extraction to overheat the planet. For a livable climate, governments must: stop new oil, gas, and coal; manage a fast and fair phase-out of all fossil fuels; and fully fund a just renewable energy transition.
  • By the numbers:

  • 51 %

    Of planned expansion by 5 countries

    The majority of global oil and gas expansion from 2023 through 2050 is threatened by just five Global North countries: the United States, Canada, Australia, Norway, and the UK.

  • 1.4  times

    More money for fossil fuels than clean

    G20 governments and development banks poured 1.4 times more public money into fossil fuels than clean energy with their international finance from 2020 to 2022.

Take action

Tell OECD countries to stop propping up the oil and gas industry with public money

Governments who are part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) group of wealthy countries have an opportunity to start shifting USD $41 billion per year of public finance out of fossil fuels and into clean energy. We need these OECD countries to rewrite the rules to end export finance for new oil and gas projects.

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