Our Work

Oil Change International is a research, communications, and advocacy organization working to expose the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitate the ongoing transition to clean energy.

Who we are

Since 2005 we have worked tirelessly to create a more just and equitable fossil-free world. We have done this through our work to support movements, stop fossil fuel projects, and hold governments and institutions accountable for rapidly phasing out oil, gas, and coal.

With a talented, experienced, and dedicated international team, backed by thousands of supporters, we draw on our issue area expertise in the oil and gas industry, energy policy and finance, and movement relationships to respond to current events, chart a path forward, and create lasting change.

Learn about our team

What we do

At OCI, we work to create the conditions necessary for a just and equitable fossil-free world. We believe phasing out fossil fuels in a way that enables a more just and equitable future for communities, workers, and the environment requires:

  • Building the power of movements and frontline resistance – which creates the necessary pressure for policy change;
  • Changing government policy and shifting finance – so it advances the world we want, not more fossil fuel destruction; and
  • Putting justice at the heart of every effort – working towards a future in which the exploitative systems and policies at the root of our fossil-fueled climate crisis are dismantled.

OCI strengthens the movement for a just phase-out of fossil fuels with targeted campaigning backed by cutting-edge research. We focus on cross-movement collaboration and coordination, strategic thought partnership, and supporting and amplifying grassroots campaigns and voices.

Our core strategies

OCI’s work is organized into our Global Campaigns and our Regional Programs. This two-pronged approach allows us to both bring systemic change to the institutions that perpetuate and enable the fossil fuel industry and also support the on-the-ground efforts of the most affected communities.

Our programmatic strategies are to:

Transform the institutional landscape to enable just phase-out policies

  • We work to advance and expand government policies to end fossil fuel production
  • We work to shift public finance and subsidies away from fossil fuels
  • We work to secure the public funding and policies needed to ensure a just energy transition

Challenge the fossil fuel industry and its enablers

  • We work to counter oil and gas industry disinformation
  • We work to support the climate movement and partners in their struggles against oil and gas companies
  • We work to fight against false solutions that enable and perpetuate the fossil fuel industry

Support frontline campaigns to stop fossil fuel projects

  • We work to develop relevant and accessible research and communications materials that support the goals of frontline partners
  • We work to support partners, networks and campaigns challenging fossil fuel projects
  • We work to protect activists facing emerging security and resource challenges.

OCI serves as a bridge between multiple levels of the institutional and movement ecosystems, bringing movement demands to decision-makers, collaborating closely with frontline and civil society partners, and sharing knowledge, strategies, and resources. We play a unique role in making hard-to-access industry data available as a tool to strengthen people-powered campaigns and force real-world change.

At an international and institutional level, we develop and inform political and diplomatic strategies aimed at raising the bar for what counts as real climate leadership – engaging in direct advocacy, coalition-building, and campaigns to hold governments and institutions accountable to phasing out fossil fuel finance and production.

At a regional level, we support frontline fights to stop fossil fuel projects as a way to build power and create lasting change. We create the conditions necessary for a just transition off of fossil fuels by providing research, strategic support, cross-movement coordination, and by supporting and amplifying grassroots campaigns and voices.

Annual reports and 990s

View our annual reports: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

View our financial audits: 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023

View our 990 forms: 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023