U.S. Program

In the United States, we’re working to promote an equitable and managed phaseout of fossil fuels, ending fossil fuel finance, and supporting frontline fights to stop oil and gas expansion.

Ending Fossil Fuels in the U.S.

The United States continues to be the largest expander of oil and gas globally, as exposed in our 2023 groundbreaking Planet Wreckers report. In the United States, OCI works to expose the country’s role in oil and gas expansion, coordinating with movement partners to make a clear call to end fossil fuels and create pressure for greater climate leadership.

We work to pressure the federal government for policies that will slow the growth of the oil and gas industry, fight false solutions, shift public finance away from fossil fuels, and support a just transition and managed phase-out of fossil fuels. We also provide research, mobilization, and communications support to movements and allies on the ground, and at the state level in key states, who are working to stop fossil fuel infrastructure, extraction, and false solutions.

Equitable phase-out of fossil fuels

Advance an equitable phase-out of fossil fuels by strengthening a base of progressive politicians aligned against Big Oil, holding the United States accountable to its finance commitments, and challenging polluter power through research and communications.

Deepening relationships with frontline organizers

Deepen relationships with frontline organizers in North America and support frontline campaigns to defeat keystone projects through research, communications, funding, lobbying, and action support.

Key Stats

  • 1 st

    Planet Wrecker In Chief

    The United States accounts for more than one-third of planned global oil and gas expansion through 2050, the most of any country in the world.

  • 92 %

    Gas Exports

    Gas exports are expected to nearly double through 2035, driven by the expansion of U.S. fracking and liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals.

  • $ 2.3   billion

    Fossil fuel finance

    The United States has approved the most fossil fuel finance since the end of 2022, in clear violation of the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP).

Latest U.S. Publications

Full Report: The Permian Climate Bomb Series

In this six-part series, we explore the ongoing oil, gas, and petrochemical boom in the Permian Basin and Gulf Coast. It is a story of runaway toxic infrastructure, environmental injustice, and climate overshoot.

Tell your Senator: Oppose Manchin’s latest dirty deal!

It's back. Again. Manchin has introduced another “dirty deal” aimed at fast tacking fossil fuel expansion. The Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 is a direct attack on our climate and the communities on the frontlines of fossil fuel extraction.

We need energy policies that halt fossil fuel expansion and equitably transition communities to renewable energy–not more handouts to the fossil fuel industry.

Take Action