Call for UK Firms to Quit the Niger Delta
A leading union leader from Britain’s offshore industry has called on all British oil companies to pull out of the volatile Niger Delta region until safety can be guaranteed.
The call by Graham Tran, a regional officer of Amicus, one of the North Sea’s major unions, came as the search went on for a missing Scottish oil worker abducted at the weekend.
Tran said the lead in declaring the Niger Delta a “no-go” area had already been taken by Aberdeen-based PSN, one of Scotland’s largest private firms with more than 8,000 staff. He added: “How many more people have to be killed or kidnapped before other companies get the message?”
A spokesman for Dolphin drilling told the Scotsman newspaper: “The fact is that the rigs out there are more secure than they are practically anywhere else in the world.”
I doubt many oil workers believe him..