Press Release

British Columbia’s cynical new climate plan proposes new fossil fuel subsidies and banks on climate catastrophe

August 19, 2016

Alex Doukas, alex [at] priceofoil [dot] org

British Columbia’s cynical new climate plan proposes new fossil fuel subsidies and banks on climate catastrophe
Today, the Premier of British Columbia, Christy Clark, announced the province’s new Climate Leadership Plan. In response, Alex Doukas, Senior Campaigner at Oil Change International, made the following statement:

“Premier Clark’s government has wasted a year and a half developing a laughable climate plan that’s equivalent to a cynical shrug of the shoulders. Premier Clark is attempting to ride on the threadbare coattails of past climate leadership in BC, while promising to undermine any potential future progress by ramping up fossil fuel development.

“It’s hard to believe, but as part of the new climate plan, Premier Clark wants to give even more public money to the fossil fuel industry, on top of the more than $450 million in subsidies they already receive from BC taxpayers. Let this sink in: a plan that’s supposed to be about fighting climate change proposes new subsidies for the very fossil fuel producers that are causing the problem.

“BC is already suffering from devastating climate change impacts, making it clearer than ever that energy policy must align with climate science. Every policy decision must be made with a climate test in mind, aimed at meeting BC and Canada’s internationally-agreed emissions reduction targets. You can’t negotiate with fundamental science: trying to address BC’s climate change-causing emissions while massively expanding natural gas production is a fantasy, yet that’s exactly the lie Premier Clark’s government is peddling.”
