Press Release

In response to FERC authorizing construction for the Mountain Valley Pipeline

The resistance to the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) remains strong. People will continue to fight until this unnecessary pipeline is dead and communities in Appalachia thrive with affordable renewable energy, good jobs, and a healthy climate. 


JUNE 28, 2023

In response to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission authorizing construction for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, Allie Rosenbluth, United States Program Co-Manager at Oil Change International, said: 

“The resistance to the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) remains strong. People will continue to fight until this unnecessary pipeline is dead and communities in Appalachia thrive with affordable renewable energy, good jobs, and a healthy climate. 

“Biden and his administration allowed MVP to skip important permitting processes meant to protect people and the environment, betraying communities and his voters. While his administration wrongly touted this project’s impact on U.S. energy security, true energy security lies in transitioning swiftly off fossil fuels.

“MVP would be a climate and environmental justice disaster, with emissions equivalent to building 26 new coal plants or adding 19 million passenger vehicles to the road. This pipeline also risks public health and safety, drinking water, and the environment all to benefit the short term profits of a fossil fuel corporation.

“Science and justice unequivocally demand a swift transition to renewable energy. President Biden cannot claim to be a climate leader while giving free passes to deadly gas projects. We must end the era of fossil fuels. 

“The Mountain Valley Pipeline will not be built.”