Press Release

Media Advisory: Multiple Briefings and Events Supported by Oil Change International For the United Nations Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit

Media Advisory

For Immediate Release
Sep 6, 2023

Media Advisory: Multiple Briefings and Events Supported by Oil Change International For the United Nations Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit

New York City, September 6-20, 2023

Oil Change International, a research, communications and advocacy organization dedicated to exposing the true costs of fossil fuels, is organizing and supporting a series of events and briefings in connection with the United Nations Secretary General’s first ever Climate Ambition Summit. These events will underscore the urgency of ending fossil fuel expansion, phasing out fossil fuels, and demand bold actions for a livable future. The events will encompass various formats, from press conferences, groundbreaking research, mass mobilizations, and public actions, all aimed at catalyzing global climate action and holding leaders accountable.

Oil Change International invites media representatives to join these events and cover the movement to end fossil fuel expansion.

As called for by UNSG António Guterres, the global Climate Ambition Summit in New York City presents a critical opportunity for tangible action to keep fossil fuels in the ground. This unique chance to reshape our planet’s trajectory requires a collective commitment to end fossil fuel expansion. In the face of the urgent climate crisis, our multifaceted approach targets governments, fossil fuel companies, and financial institutions, recognizing that confronting each of these sectors is essential to secure a sustainable future for our planet before it’s too late.

Key Events and Briefings:

Wednesday, September 6, 2023: Oil Change International will release Fossil Finance Violations: Tracking Fossil Fuel Projects that violate commitments to end international public finance for fossil fuels, and Leaders and Laggards: Tracking implementation of commitments to end international public finance for fossil fuels. The tracker, for the first time, maps approved or pending fossil fuel projects that are in violation of commitments to end international public finance for fossil fuels by the end of 2022. These commitments were made through the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (commonly known as Glasgow Statement) launched at COP26 in 2021 and at the G7. Most signatory countries have stopped approving new fossil fuel financing since the passing of the end of 2022 deadline. Yet, a number of rich countries have continued to approve USD 4.4 billion in international public finance for new fossil fuel projects. The U.S has approved the most fossil fuel finance in 2023 so far with $1.5 billion approved for four projects, followed by Italy, ($1.2 billion for 3 projects), Japan, ($449 million for 3 projects) and then Germany ($472 million for 3 projects). Germany has most fossil fuel projects pending approval. The two briefings  spotlight countries’ roles in either leading or lagging behind in the fight against the climate crisis. They will be available on 6 September  at 12PM CET/ 6AM ET here and here

Tuesday, September 12, 2023: Oil Change International will release Planet Wreckers, new groundbreaking research and an online press conference to unveil the latest findings on the climate impact of planned oil and gas expansion in key countries. This report reveals that just 20 countries, led overwhelmingly by the U.S., are responsible for nearly 90 percent of the carbon-dioxide (CO2) pollution from new oil and gas fields and fracking wells planned between 2023 and 2050, equivalent to the lifetime pollution of nearly 1,100 new coal plants. This planned expansion by the 20 Planet Wrecker countries would make it impossible to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. Among those, five rich countries will account for the majority of planned oil and gas expansion (the United States, Canada, Australia, Norway and the UK) despite claiming to be climate leaders. Embargo on the report will lift on September 12th, 8 AM ET, followed by the virtual press conference at 10 AM ET. Speakers at the virtual press conference will include the report’s lead author Romain Ioualalen, Bill McKibben, and Vanessa Nakate. Register for the press conference here

Thursday, September 14, 2023: Press conference and rally to End Fossil Fuel with Members of Congress, youth, and environmental justice advocates, including Sara Thomas (SILA), Rep. Espaillat, Rep. Lee, Sen. Markey, Rep. Tlaib, Keanu Arpels-Josiah (FFF NYC). At 11:00 AM on Independence and First Street SE, Washington DC. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023: March to #EndFossilFuels: In New York, people will march to demand President Biden put an end to fossil fuels and a just transition to renewable energy. Over 500 groups have endorsed and over 10,000 marchers are planning on attending.  A pre-march press conference is planned at the beginning of the route (more details to come). 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023: United Nations Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit: A key event where global leaders will discuss and make commitments to address the climate crisis. A post summit press conference is planned (more details to come). 

We will ensure to update you as these are released. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out for more information or interviews.