Press Release

Oil Change International joins California environmental justice groups in opposition to A.B. 398

Governor Brown’s latest climate package perpetuates the myth that business as usual in the fossil fuel industry can go on with only a few small adjustments, and everything will be fine. That view may fly in the petrodollar soaked halls in Sacramento, but climate science and the health and wellbeing of communities living next to industry have a different perspective.


July 12, 2017

Stephen Kretzmann, steve [at] priceofoil [dot] org
David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org

Oil Change International stands with environmental justice groups in opposition to A.B. 398
Yesterday, Governor Brown and California state lawmakers unveiled a new package of bills (A.B. 398 and A.B. 617) aimed at extending the state’s existing cap and trade program. In response, Stephen Kretzmann, Executive Director of Oil Change International, released the following statement:

“The entire California environmental justice community stands in opposition to this package. Oil Change International stands with them, as we stand with communities impacted by the oil & gas industry around the world. These are bad bills, and they should be opposed by climate champions in California.

“It’s widely agreed that our climate crisis is ‘the greatest market failure ever’ so it’s just deeply disappointing that Governor Brown is banking on a market based industry friendly solution, rather than listening to the voices of the many people in California who actually have to live with the fossil fuel industry in their backyard.

“Governor Brown’s latest climate package perpetuates the myth that business as usual in the fossil fuel industry can go on with only a few small adjustments, and everything will be fine.  That view may fly in the petrodollar soaked halls in Sacramento, but climate science and the health and wellbeing of communities living next to industry have a different perspective.”
