Press Release

Oil Change International responds to PM Trudeau visit with President Trump

We know that Justin and Barack had a budding bromance, which came to an abrupt end when Trump took office. Like any friend would say to someone getting over a break-up, our message to Justin is: Don’t let Donald be your rebound. It won’t end well. Donald is no Barack.


February 13, 2017

Adam Scott, adam [at] priceofoil [dot] org
David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org

Oil Change International responds to PM Trudeau visit with President Trump
Memo to Justin: Donald is no Barack.

Today, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in Washington, DC, to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump. In response, Adam Scott, Senior Campaigner at Oil Change International released the following statement:

“Let’s hope today’s meeting with President Trump serves as the jarring wake-up call Prime Minister Trudeau needs. Trudeau needs to understand that Trump is no friend to Canadians, and is a disaster for our climate.

“Donald Trump has filled his administration not just with friends to the oil industry, but with the industry itself. He is pushing dirty pipelines that are disasters for communities and our climate. The question for Justin is: Will Trudeau continue to back Trump’s pipelines? So far, with his support for Kinder Morgan, Line 3, and Keystone XL, Justin Trudeau’s record is not looking good.

“We know that Justin and Barack had a budding bromance, which came to an abrupt end when Trump took office. Like any friend would say to someone getting over a break-up, our message to Justin is: Don’t let Donald be your rebound. It won’t end well. Donald is no Barack.”

Note to editors: Protesters plan to gather at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C. today at 5:30pm, with messages of resistance to Trump and Trudeau’s support for dirty tar sands pipelines. Details here: