Press Release

Oil Change International Responds to Trump’s ‘Energy Week’ Speech

The ‘energy dominance’ tagline should be called out for what it is: another manifestation of the President’s misogynistic, hyper-masculine, abusive outlook on the world.


June 29, 2017
David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org

Oil Change International Responds to Trump’s ‘Energy Week’ Speech

As Donald Trump delivers a speech to round out an uneventful “energy week”, David Turnbull, Campaigns Director at Oil Change International released the following statement:

“The ‘energy dominance’ tagline should be called out for what it is: another manifestation of the President’s misogynistic, hyper-masculine, abusive outlook on the world. It reveals an attitude toward our environment and energy policy that would destroy communities and our climate in order to feed his own desire to feel powerful over others.

“Want to know what Trump’s idea of energy dominance looks like? Look no further than his crony cabinet. Thanks to this administration, Washington is more dominated by Big Oil, Gas and Coal executives and their shills than ever – and they’re having their way with American democracy. Someone should put the leash back on Donald Trump, while the rest of us keep working to make America the leader it needs to be in renewable energy innovation and job creation.”
