Press Release

Oil Change International response to IEA and COP28 Presidency call to immediate action on fossil fuels

Today, COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber and Dr. Faith Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) published the summary of the high-level dialogues that they have co-hosted in the lead up to COP28.


Dubai, December 1, 2023 – Today, COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber and Dr. Faith Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) published the summary of the high-level dialogues that they have co-hosted in the lead up to COP28.

Romain Ioualalen, Global Policy Manager at Oil Change International said:

“It is positive to see this COP28 presidency and the IEA reflect the growing consensus that we need urgent action to rein in fossil fuel production and use. As COP28 negotiations start, countries must agree to end fossil fuel expansion, the only way to see fossil fuels decline significantly this decade, and for a full phase out of fossil fuels production and use. Distant promises and voluntary pledges are not enough, we need to see immediate action.

“The phase out will not happen on its own, even with growth in renewable energy. Without a strong agreement at COP28 that gets reflected in national policies, fossil fuels will not decline at the speed and scale necessary to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. 

“We deeply regret the inclusion of the fossil fuel industry’s favorite distractions, CCS and hydrogen, in this document and we urge parties to oppose any attempts to legitimize these failed technologies in a COP decision”.

David Tong, Global Industry Manager at Oil Change International said:

“Fatih Birol and the IEA reconfirmed this year that to limit global warming to 1.5ºC, there is no room for any new oil and gas expansion beyond existing fields and mines. To confront the climate crisis we need a full, fast, fair, and funded phase out of oil, gas, and coal.

Oil Change International data show no big oil and gas company comes even close to aligning its business model with the Paris Agreement. Fossil fuel producers will not phase themselves out. The Big Oil and Gas business model cannot be reformed. Its foundation is destruction – of communities, of ecosystems, and all our futures. Cutting oil and gas companies’ operational emissions will achieve a maximum of 20% reduction in their total emissions. Governments must act to phase out the destructive fossil fuel industry and unlock the transition to nature-positive, community-owned, renewable energy.”