Press Release

Oil Change International response to Keystone XL rejection

The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is now the first ever fossil fuel project rejected explicitly on climate grounds. It will not be the last.

November 6, 2015

Stephen Kretzmann, steve [at] priceofoil [dot] org
David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org

Oil Change International response to Keystone XL rejection
President Obama sets new precedent by rejecting pipeline on climate grounds
In response to President Obama’s announced rejection of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, Oil Change International released the following statements:

Stephen Kretzmann, Executive Director, Oil Change International:

“Over two years ago, the President spoke at Georgetown University and laid out a simple but powerful criteria for evaluating policies and projects. If it makes climate change worse, it is not in the national interest. Obama’s Presidential Climate Test is now the new gold standard for evaluating energy policy and we thank him for designing and applying it.

The rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline on climate grounds is truly a lasting and fitting legacy for President Obama that future generations will rightfully see as a turning point in the struggle against dirty energy, corporate greed and for a safe climate.

The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is now the first ever fossil fuel project rejected explicitly on climate grounds. It will not be the last.

David Turnbull, Campaigns Director, Oil Change International:

“Today’s decision marks the beginning of what should be a new era for energy policy decision-making. No longer can our energy choices be divorced from our climate imperatives. No longer will we allow Big Oil to dictate our futures.

This is a precedent-setting victory for a now-massive movement against Big Oil and for the climate. President Obama deserves credit for heeding the call of climate scientists and an amazing coalition of concerned Americans who have resisted this project like never before. We look forward to further victories against dirty fossil fuel projects as President Obama’s climate test is applied moving forward.”

Hannah McKinnon, Senior Campaigner, Oil Change International:

“This is a win for the climate, it is a win for people on the front lines of tar sands development, it is a win for a growing movement that is demanding more from our leaders, and it is a win for President Obama, who is proving that he stands behind his rhetoric for a safer climate future. This decision is precedent setting, both when it comes to policy making, but also as a clear signal that people-power works. Big Oil has met its match and we won’t back down – this is just the beginning.”

Lorne Stockman, Research Director, Oil Change International:

“This momentous decision marks a new era in matching our energy policy with our climate goals. We showed over and over again that Keystone XL was not in the national interest. Whether it was because of its links to the nation’s biggest export refineries, or because of the crucial role it would have played in supporting the growth of dirty tar sands production, the pipe would not have served America’s interests but only those of its worst polluters. The President has made the right decision and set a new standard for energy infrastructure permitting.”
