Press Release

Oil Change International Statement on First Morning of Tillerson Hearing

Rex Tillerson seems determined to run US foreign policy like he ran Exxon: deny, evade, and even lie, in order to defend power and certainly without regard to any ‘moral compass’.


January 11, 2017

Stephen Kretzmann, steve [at] priceofoil [dot] org
David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org
Janet Redman, janet [at] priceofoil [dot] org

Oil Change International Statement on First Morning of Tillerson Hearing
This morning, Rex Tillerson was questioned in the first part of his confirmation hearing for Secretary of State. In response, Stephen Kretzmann, Executive Director of Oil Change International released the following statement:

“Rex Tillerson seems determined to run US foreign policy like he ran Exxon: deny, evade, and even lie, in order to defend power and certainly without regard to any ‘moral compass’.

“The first morning of Rex Tillerson’s testimony showed that Rex Tillerson’s 41 years at ExxonMobil have prepared him for one thing only: to be CEO of ExxonMobil. Tillerson filibustered, dodged, and floundered through questions about Aleppo, Russia, and other imminent global threats. He appears to have lied under oath about Exxon’s lobbying against Russian sanctions. The Boy Scouts should demand that Tillerson return his Honesty Badge.

“Unsurprisingly, Tillerson essentially pled the fifth when asked about Exxon’s long history of denying climate science, explicitly refusing to answer the question, or accept any responsibility for the actions of the company of which he was CEO for the last decade. That’s not leadership, it’s cowardice fueled by greed. The record is clear: Exxon Knew.

“Today’s hearing showed that Rex Tillerson is woefully unqualified for the position of Secretary of State, and is an incredibly inappropriate choice. His disastrous nomination must be rejected. We demand a separation of oil and state.”
