Press Release

RELEASE: Oil Change Int’l Responds to Trump Executive Orders on Climate Policy

Today, Donald Trump signed a number of executive orders related to climate policy. In response, Janet Redman, U.S. Policy Director of Oil Change International released the following statement.


March 28, 2017

Janet Redman, janet [at], 508-340-0464

Oil Change International Responds to Trump’s Executive Orders on Climate Policies
Today, Donald Trump signed an executive order that included lifting the moratorium on coal leasing from public lands, backing away from the Clean Power Plan regulations, reversing policy guiding agencies to consider the costs of climate change in decisions, and ending spending on building climate resilience in communities. In response, Janet Redman, U.S. Policy Director of Oil Change International released the following statement:

“Today the Trump administration showed they are willing to imperil the lives of Americans to serve the interests of the fossil fuel industry. Trump’s executive order on energy is the cynical result of installing oil executives, fossil fuel industry shills and climate deniers in the White House. This is what America looks like when democracy is hijacked by Big Oil and King Coal. The policies that Trump reversed today would have saved countless lives in the United States and around the world from the impacts of climate change and pollution. This is a clarion call to separate oil and state.”
