Press Release

Release: Pennsylvania fracking boom coincides with increase in fossil fuel industry money

New analysis by Oil Change International, in partnership with Berks Gas Truth, released today shows that, since 2006, the fossil fuel industry has provided over $4.4 million in direct campaign contributions to members of the state legislature in Pennsylvania.




Karen Feridun, Berks Gas Truth,

David Turnbull, Oil Change International,, 202-316-3499


New data shows Pennsylvania fracking boom coincides with increase in fossil fuel industry money
New analysis by Oil Change International, in partnership with Berks Gas Truth, released today shows that, since 2006, the fossil fuel industry has provided over $4.4 million in direct campaign contributions to members of the state legislature in Pennsylvania. In that time, overall contributions have doubled, from roughly $800,000 during the 2006 cycle, to over $1.6 million in total giving during the 2012 election cycle.

The analysis is based on data compiled in the new database, launched this month by Oil Change International. The new database tracks fossil fuel industry contributions to members of state legislatures in seven key fossil fuel states across the country. More details can be found here:

The analysis shows that the steep rise in oil and gas contributions, in particular, has mirrored the dangerous boom of fracking operations in the state in recent years.

“This new analysis shows that just as the oil and gas industry has invaded our communities and backyards with their dirty fracking waste, they are simultaneously invading our democracy as well,” said Karen Feridun of Berks Gas Truth. “Luckily our communities aren’t sitting by and letting this happen. We’re rising up and fighting back. While the oil industry may have cash on their side, we’ve got the truth and we won’t stop until our communities are safe.”

“The influx of campaign cash from the fossil fuel industry in Pennsylvania paints a scary picture. It’s clear that industry interests are trying to grease the skids in the state legislature so they can continue fracking up the state,” said David Turnbull, Campaigns Director at Oil Change International. “It’s time we kicked fossil fuel money out of our politics and demand representatives in State Houses all around the country start listening to the people, not the polluters.”

More information on Berks Gas Truth can be found here:

More information on Pennsylvania and other states dirty energy money ties can be found at:

More information on Oil Change International can be found here: