Press Release

Response to API meeting at the White House

API is not to be trusted when it comes to climate and energy policy. They have stood in the way of climate action for decades, and continue to spout myths in order to protect the bottom lines of its Big Oil and Gas members.


June 9, 2021

David Turnbull,
Lorne Stockman,

White House should reject API’s myths and pursue bold climate policy
According to various reports, the American Petroleum Institute (API) and a number of oil industry executives met with Biden Administration officials today at the White House. In response, David Turnbull, Strategic Communications Director with Oil Change International, released the following statement:

“API is not to be trusted when it comes to climate and energy policy. They have stood in the way of climate action for decades, and continue to spout myths in order to protect the bottom lines of its Big Oil and Gas members. They distort facts on methane emissions, the realities of fossil gas impacts on our climate, and even the very future of oil and gas in a climate-safe world. It’s inappropriate to have met with the API in the first place, particularly while Indigenous leaders are being harassed by federal authorities at the site of Line 3 construction. Gina McCarthy and the Biden Administration need to honor their commitments on climate and Indigenous rights, stop the Line 3 pipeline immediately, and not look back as they pursue a bold and ambitious climate policy that aligns with actual science rather than the myths of a desperate and dirty industry.”

Notes for editors:

Recent OCI analysis shows the API is wrong on the future of oil and gas drilling in a climate safe future:
Recent OCI analysis shows the API is wrong on the role of coal-to-gas switching in US emission reductions:
Recent OCI analysis shows the API has been misleading and deceptive regarding methane emissions related to oil and gas drilling: