Press Release

Response to Environmental Audit Committee Report on UK Export Finance

It’s absurd for the UK government to declare a climate emergency while pouring vast sums of taxpayer-backed money into fossil fuel expansion. The Environmental Audit Committee is right to call for serious reform of UK Export Finance.


June 9, 2019

Alex Doukas, alex [at]

Response to Environmental Audit Committee Report on UK Export Finance

Today, the cross-party House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee released its report on UK Export Finance. The report calls for an end to UK Export Finance support for fossil fuels among other recommendations to align its finance with the aims of the Paris Agreement. In response, Alex Doukas, Stop Funding Fossils Program Lead Analyst for Oil Change International, released the following statement:

“It’s absurd for the UK government to declare a climate emergency while pouring vast sums of taxpayer-backed money into fossil fuel expansion. The Environmental Audit Committee is right to call for serious reform of UK Export Finance.

“If the government truly believes we’re in the midst of a climate emergency, there’s no time to waste: they should revise the mandate of UK Export Finance to ensure an immediate end to its financing for oil, gas, and coal. They should also implement the other recommendations set out by the Environmental Audit Committee.”
