Press Release

Response to Police Killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

The appalling video footage showing the brutal executions of yet two more black men at the hands of law enforcement reminds us in the worst way of the importance of saying, reaffirming and ensuring that #BlackLivesMatter in our society.

July 7, 2016

Response to Police Killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile
In response to police officers killing Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, Oil Change International Executive Director Stephen Kretzmann released the following statement:

“The appalling video footage showing the brutal executions of yet two more black men at the hands of law enforcement reminds us in the worst way of the importance of saying, reaffirming and ensuring that #BlackLivesMatter in our society. The fact that police in the United States have now killed more than 500 people this year, and counting, speaks volumes not only about the institutionalized racism and systemic violence baked into our government and law enforcement, but also about the challenges we all face in building a society and a government that truly is of, by, and for the people.

“The United States of America is a badly broken place today. Our government has been turned into a frightening free market bazaar where the interests of systemically racist prison corporations, arms manufacturers, and fossil fuel companies somehow matter more than the lives of black and brown people. We will continue to ally ourselves with the brave friends standing up against racism, corporate power, and fear and for the just and democratic future that all of our futures depend on.

“We stand with the #BlackLivesMatter movement. We stand with all who see and fight the racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and fear that is fueling the fires raging through our country. We will continue to stand against these fires and in solidarity with people everywhere fighting to build a just and clean world for all.
