Press Release

Response to reported Scott Pruitt EPA Administrator nomination

With this nomination, Mr. Trump is doubling down on his dangerous climate denial and putting a booster of the fossil fuel industry at the top of an agency that should be focused on protecting Americans from environmental and health risks associated with our energy choices.

December 7, 2016

David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org

Oil Change International response to reported Scott Pruitt EPA Administrator nomination
Today, it was reported that President-Elect Donald Trump intends to nominate Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to be EPA Administrator. In response, David Turnbull, Campaigns Director at Oil Change International, released the following statement:

“President-Elect Trump’s nomination of Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator should put to rest any doubts about Trump’s true intentions when it comes to climate change. With this nomination, Mr. Trump is doubling down on his dangerous climate denial and putting a booster of the fossil fuel industry at the top of an agency that should be focused on protecting Americans from environmental and health risks associated with our energy choices.

“We call on Senators to reject this nomination, as well as other climate-denying, unqualified, and regressive nominees. There is no place in our government for individuals who refuse to accept science and risk the safety of Americans around the country. There is no place in our government for individuals who are in clear alliance with the industry fueling our climate crisis. We need a separation of oil and state.”

Notes to editors:

Pruitt has been confirmed by the New York Times to be in a “secret alliance” with the fossil fuel industry: