Press Release

Urgent Call to Phase Out Fossil Fuels Ahead of G20 Summit

Ahead of the G20 meeting in New Delhi, India, Allie Rosenbluth, Oil Change International US Program Manager, said: 

“As decision makers gather at the G20 summit, the world is at a critical crossroads. World leaders are facing mounting pressure from UN Secretary-General António Guterres and people across the planet to phase out fossil fuels. Against the backdrop of record-breaking temperatures and severe flooding in New Delhi, the urgency for action has never been clearer. 

“President Biden claims to be a climate leader, but under his leadership the US has harmed communities across the globe by greenlighting fossil fuel project after fossil project, including the Willow oil project, Alaska LNG, multiple Gulf Coast export terminals, and the Mountain Valley Pipeline. But it doesn’t end there. The United States is promoting fossil fuels at home and in all corners of the world, as the world’s worst oil and gas expander and financier.

“Global leaders must do more than talk. They must act. To make a livable future possible, President Biden and fellow G20 leaders must commit to a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels and an ambitious commitment to a just renewable energy transition. They must stop promoting dangerous distractions like Carbon Capture and Storage that benefit no one but the fossil fuel industry. They must end public finance for fossil fuels and shift this to renewable energy. Agreeing to this now will provide momentum for commitments to be made at the UN Climate Negotiations in Dubai later this year. The global pressure is building, exemplified by marches around the world culminating in a March to End Fossil Fuels in NYC September 17th, where thousands will gather to demand Biden phase out fossil fuels and declare a climate emergency. It’s time for world leaders to step up and lead the way towards a just and thriving future.”