
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

The Sky’s Limit and the IPCC Report on 1.5 Degrees of Warming

We must wind down the largest source of carbon emissions – the oil, gas, and coal extracted by the fossil fuel industry – to achieve the deep cuts in carbon emissions that the IPCC report warns are necessary.

A Nobel Appeal to Norway

From North Dakota to Kenya, people power fights fossil fuel infrastructure

People power stopped Keystone XL in its tracks. Now we're seeing human resistance to fossil fuel projects spreading rapidly around the globe.

The Sky’s Limit: Unpacking the Climate Math

Our research has found that the carbon budget will be exhausted with current development and some currently-operating fossil fuel projects will need to be retired early in order to have a good chance of staying below the 2C limit.

Counting the carbon kept in the ground

A graphic published today by Oil Change International shows the carbon left in the ground in cancelled tar sands projects and the potential impact of continued action to stop tar sands pipelines.